Dancing with my heart, my words, my song, and my love, before my God…

But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who
LOVE YOUR NAME may rejoice in you. Psalms 5:11

Friday, August 23, 2013

Bowing With Fear

Here I am, as I am, 
where I am, 
with the I Am.  

Bowing with fear 
that has me singing 
with such beautiful faith.  

Knowing that with the humility 
Jesus came, 
He fulfilled the work 
that breaks beyond every language 
or human understanding, 
to the existence of power 
to lay such a gracious fear 
within our hearts 
to know He is.  

Allowing such salvation 
come to my heart 
catches me away 
to such high praise.  

For ultimately His thoughts 
are becoming my thoughts 
and His love is spreading.  

To fear Him 
is the spice 
that gives me freedom 
stretching further than my mind can go.  

Knowledge that I would never 
call upon another, 
for He is the only God.  

Royal of the universe, 
kingdom of eternity, 
my highest praise 
goes to His ears 
and my eyes fixed upon Him.  

With my heart 
I sing, Holy.  

With my thirst 
I digest He is Holy.  

With my hunger 
I fill my whole being 
with He is Holy. 

With tears 
I consume His love 
as He wears my soul  
to renew and refresh.  

Never stop, 
my heart cries; 
and with fear 
that drinks in knowledge, 
I declare with my surrender 
He is Almighty.