Dancing with my heart, my words, my song, and my love, before my God…

But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who
LOVE YOUR NAME may rejoice in you. Psalms 5:11

Friday, October 1, 2010

Another Heart Beat Today

Next month I'm coming up on my 8 year anniversary of having a pacemaker.  One day at work I just passed out. During a visit to my doctor for a tilt table test, my heart stopped for 10 seconds and they were unable to manipulate my heart to bring me back without a device. I was told later that my 'signal' to keep my heart beating stops telling it to beat so my heart rate will just drop to zero.  The pacemaker immediately catches the drop and continues giving my heart the signal to beat until my heart begins on it's own once again. AMAZING...!  

This is a prayer as my True Heart for Him speaks...!

Father, with each breath I am so taken by how beautiful You have Given such Wonders, Your Wonders, and sometimes I weep with uncontrollable Joy in my heart as I am allowed to see another heart beat of Your Love. For at times I feel You gave me something so special when I was allowed a pacemaker. I can literally feel within me its 'taking off' and think... oh my... my heart just stopped but life was given again and again to me from Above, from One that says... No, not yet...!  You could have taken me... oh You could have taken me to sit before You and Sing my Song of Praise like I cherish and desire, but Your Plan was of another Route.  I know not how to really say thank You my Savior and King and to whom my heart beats for.  For I see the Face of Him Shining with Glory upon the earth as You Swing Your children in Your Playground You Created as we run and jump in Your Presence.  I ask...can you imagine... seeing the whole earth in such a state of bowing and raising the voice of one heart unto Him as He has given us over and over another heart beat to enjoy as we would like, our choice.  For we have not been made to worship each other or even the angels whom are His messengers but to worship Him with Spirit and Truth. Worship; giving our whole, giving our allegiance, giving us...! We look upon the life span of a parent and see it was but a breath or a vapor as it now appears gone as they lay in their aged body awaiting to return to dust; but their spirit is still alive and oh how beautiful when before our eyes you see them Longing for Him with what Life still remains, as we melt from the Father's Truth they are leaving us to Him..!  And to my own amazements of such a vapored life span for myself, I stop the moments of my day, stop the seconds that take me to this aged body and declare my love unto One that gave me yet another heart beat and I love on Him with gratefulness, not of anything I am or have done but of and for Him.  Now the heart beat -that praise, is eternal, now it is taken as an incense before Him because I gave it to Him.  One, two, three, moments of my heart's praise and on and on He is counting the wonders of my praise and He counts it as His Treasures, oh my...!  I am so overwhelmed of His Love that He can cherish my return love to Him in this manner.  He Showers and Shares Who He is with me through a dance of worry free, through a Touch of Passion of Pureness, and I again rise up with yet another heart beat that belongs to Him because I give it back. I have fallen into the Wings of His Love.  I have let go of the taste of worldly hold and given each of my next heart beats to One that Shares His Love by Promising to change me into His Life and Image as I declare my name to be bought by His.  I do not have to be the person this world tried to make of me but can be renewed and formed into His Image by this Love and seek Him with all my heart.  I am so broken with this Compassion... for understanding does not give my thoughts answers but by far it gives my heart a reason to continue.  I am His child, I am His daughter.  I am His Song and He Lifts me up with Melodies I can hear with the ears of His Making.  Oh how I love Him. I am captivated and receive each heart beat given with gratitude.  For I now surrender to be Loved with Eternity that was Bought by Blood of One Perfect and Followed He Who was Good.  This heart beat that was just given... all His..!