Dancing with my heart, my words, my song, and my love, before my God…

But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who
LOVE YOUR NAME may rejoice in you. Psalms 5:11

Monday, April 8, 2013

Jealousy - The Door To Love

I have a constant busy mind 
and yet my soul never stops 
yearning for Your gaze, 
Your presence, 
which seems to stop 
all the circulation of information.  

Not that I just stand 
in this delight, 
this joy 
for its moment only; 

but that I gather luxuriant 
this passage presents.  

What my eyes just caught 
before this entrance 
will then make common 
into uncommon, 
and its meaning will pour throughout me 
with its unique diverse picture 
of Your Door to Love
as it pulls me past its frame 
and on to its room 
much broader 
than my mind could expand to 

Inside I will feel 
Your jealous want of me 
and find it puzzling; 
but as I accept this heart, 
Your heart, 
I will begin to find 
my own jealous extremes 
that I would never 
put another god before You 
and my own yearning
that You never put another
before me.  

There it becomes plain 
so I might get a portion 
of this wonder.  

I was created 
separate from any other.  

was made 
from Your image 
to be eternally enjoyed 
and have joy 
as this jealousy 
vows its commitment; 

~I in You, You in me~ 

Jealousy holds this bond, 
this Door to Love 
– I am Yours, You are mine 

As jealousy grows, 
love thickens; 
and as outside 
tries to lure 
with higher and higher fascination, 
hearts with history 
fight to be one fiercely.  

Storms come 
to knock down this 
Door to Love
for such mighty beauty 
such jealousy
about the universe.  

But jealous love, 
I in You, You in me

…. It forms one, 
not two....