Dancing with my heart, my words, my song, and my love, before my God…

But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who
LOVE YOUR NAME may rejoice in you. Psalms 5:11

Monday, July 29, 2019

Too Much Time Between Miracles

The uncomfortable moments 
where it has been too much time 
between the now and then 
of my last miracle with You.  

For the freshness of miracles 
carry the heart with Life, 
to see 
where blindness was holding back 
what was being painted 
in full display. 

Oh how the desires can get twisted 
in stumbles of nonsense. 
How the worth of moments 
are distractions instead of unsaleable, 
unmerited Love 
accumulating for the down-pour 
of Heaven’s Song.  

The miracle of a heard Sound! 
The miracle of the Voice 
that will sing for a thousand generations! 

The release of what was created 
within me 
to experience 
what cannot be explained. 

For one breath to be taken 
into highest praises 
where connections are made 
between moves; 
where words are now emotions 
of Love’s explosions. 

Find me in silence, 
standing in the frozen capture 
of fixing the heart 
upon this visual moment. 
Silencing the distractions, 
as the entrance of consuming Fire 
enters to fill me 
from head to toe. 

Miracles are when I see 
a glimpse of my King. 
When the ‘we look alike’ 
communicates the giggle 
around my path. 

Each breath 
a heavy weight 
like pure gold, 
causing time to stand still, 
for my heart cannot let go 
of the moment. 
Holding hard 
to drink graciously 
from each piece 
of Love’s portion 
during the spark of this 
one breath taken in, 

He is bringing in His Story 
for me to read 
and dance away 
each inhaled heartbeat. 

The miracle of His Voice!  
A miracle… 
I marvel in a breath taken 
with thoughts so strong, 
a miracle of what He creates 
becomes eternal records. 

Heaven comes to earth 
in my soul.  
A miracle!

Worst Thing I Can Think Of

Papa God, the worst thing 
I can think of 
is losing hold of Jesus 
and what He is all about

Oh please Papa, keep me in His Path. 
Keep me sweet Holy Spirit where my family and I can go through life 
and come into the next 
with Jesus by our side 
as we have surrendered to the Way, the only Way.  

Our children have so many choices in these days. 
Choices of religious wondering 
and it all feels like chaos is happening. 

Are we equipped to make this journey? 
Are we secure enough 
to bounce around in Your Kingdom 
while these attached come to grade us, 
challenge us, 
competing for our minds. 

Oh please Papa, send the angel armies 
that war for the soul of my children 
and their children… 
and as far as this earth 
takes my generation of life giving through my blood. 

Take Michael’s children 
and carry on the greatest victories 
of finding the wholeness of Jesus within, 
only Jesus within 
making our Path straight. 

My tears speak 
what my thoughts 
cannot put together. 
My tears carry my heart 
with purpose 
I cannot be strong enough for. 
But, You can!  

Your blood was enough 
to take me from fear to favor… 
to weakness to righteousness … 
to experiencing 
what may look like destruction 
but You make power 
to move the enemy 
out of our camp. 

Lay my life gifts 
in heavenly places. 
Lay my treasures 
where the lock has put them 
far into the Heaven’s 
awaiting the surprise it will give me. 

I lay down my life here and now. 
You take and make 
as I listen and obey. 

I rejoice as I learn 
to trust in You… 
not my own saving!  

In Jesus, His beautiful Name, 
I sing from a marveled heart
 of what all even this past week 
has given to me. 

Thank You Jesus (Your Place) is my place.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Victory Is Hardly A Thought

From within comes oceans of desire! Desires to worship and honor! Like looking at the Grand Canyon and the body goes into an insistence of emotions, feelings, expressions; knowing this is so gigantic within. Here I stand (as I did in 1995 looking over this valley) in awe of desire insisting I feel, as I watch within worship and honor.

This place where my heart has a connection to visually see from its wonders; I am overwhelmed with praise. My desires are stirred and the dance begins. The sway of my whole being has life and is speaking by its movements. I am filled with what His Spirit wishes, connection of heart. I experience Life so abundant, I am totally surrendered with hopes of forever being here. 

Victory is hardly thought of because being here feels so natural and all fight is gone to decide for or against. I am with I Am!  The softness of His Voice has now penetrated my hard walls and I experience His Voice as well as hear. It is like being lost would be impossible due to everywhere I am, I am saturated in His over-coming Presence. There is no right or left turns… only being! So I go out further…

What does going out further mean? I step into unknowns. I listen with the abandoned joy of following rather than leading. I find the vein He is establishing and my position is now set. The earth is the creation He created and my eyes begin to wander about in His joy. 

How He pondered the making of this ground with such Wisdom, and then extends Wisdom to walk within me. I raise my eyes to see the expansion of astronomical substance I’ve called space; He calls Glory to fill it. 

Talking, with purpose as set! Showing more than I can see and yet with Wisdom showing me much. Giving me all I dare to take in. I have a seat within this universe founded and launched, determined and verified, by what then was set within me… the I Am!

Poured out on the earth, from the beginning, air I will breath. Life I will find as His plan continues eternally. And what has been placed within me will endure, linger to maintain love. The foundation of existence! 

For all thoughts are planted from love. As in the Garden, love is the beginning, the first and last, the vein God established. Love moves us from one step to another with sincere resolution to keep all that are His. Love is a promise. 

Love is not something we created but that was created within us for His pledge to keep. Love is lived out by the Presence of God acknowledged. The beauty of when Adam and Eve hid was they knew and acknowledge God was there. They continued to live in knowledge. Evil only has say if one forgets God is here. 

Choices are the freedom to find Love. Love is beautiful in its created way, His. I live inside Love. A jealous God who gives Love in the abundance of extreme, and yet such great Love holds firm, rigid, unyielding to its constricted creation of only One Way. 

Every move I make 
is designed to remain 
in Love’s final direction
One in HEART with Him.

I respond to Love by experiencing Love. His!

Kiss Decisions

A kiss; a purposed act of acceptance. Kiss; a dance of the heart to offer a look at the emotions going on inside. A kiss pondered with the weightiness of decision making, an open affection and statement of connecting one soul to another.

But what goes on before the kiss is really the wonders of truth about to manifest. Why am I kissing another? What is the return I want? Why did I receive a kiss? We make heavy decisions with enormous consequences before this act that forms a pose.  Do I really want to know?

Love, I believe, is always a part; but love serves a master. My question would be which master is being served? Which am I being a slave to? Matthew 6:24 speaks of either loving or hating a master (God - not my will / wealth - my will). A bridge to stand on and ponder. Which master do I serve?

The father in the prodigal son's return (Luke 15:20) kissed his son earnestly. So much joy of a returned soul, his son. The dance of this kiss must have been the beauty of tremendous years in waiting, hoping, praying. Loving before the arrival of his son. Inward passion that dwells within and yet throws the results to God (not my will). Love so big the father did not need the son there to love him... only to show love with a kiss when he came home.  The son... surprised. Why? Maybe because the son loved the father but he was serving wealth (his own will).  The son returned serving wealth ( his own will) - maybe my father will hire me. The story plays out showing which master each soul serves. 

How about Judas? Did he love Jesus? He too gave a kiss. An emotional expression posed as so many previous heart behaviors warred in him. I believe he loved Jesus with an awe-struck heart. Watching and believing big things will happen from this. Judas was chosen and he followed with the same strong passion, like the other eleven still struggling with their sins. Asking questions when he didn't understand. Wanting favors from Jesus. Hoping for his upside-down world to turn more to right-side-up.  I even ponder the thought that Judas loved Jesus when he went to betray his friend Jesus; but the pre-dance of emotions and decision was made from his serving wealth (his own will), just like the prodigal son did (maybe my dad will hire me). So the kiss... well, the kiss was love used. This is why it surprised Jesus.

To be loved and betrayed. This is why it hurts so bad to be loved and experience betrayal. Love should be safe and give only signs of soul connection, not soul separation.  Judas loved Jesus but sold out to gain rather than give.  Sign of trying to serve two masters, and it failed. Non-the-less, a kiss was chosen to be placed on the soul of another. Placed on Jesus as a sign of love, but the master was self serving.  A long track of wanting to be with Jesus as a way to wealth. Understanding a decision must be made but making the wrong one. 

What is actually happening when I get a kiss? What is behind the kiss I give? As love accompanies this act, which master is being served? 

Walking Is The BULLY

Sinking into You, Poppa. My blind eyes begin to see, my rags become riches. I rattle around searching to pull up each and every sound that your Voice rings. Oh how the waves of its beauty takes my cares away. How Your Voice walks about and I hear with yearning to meet its revelation to my soul. The wonders of this river, leave behind worry and struggles; as I become so involved in this fresh journey.

Excitement knocks and I accept the mysterious new emotion of unknown, showing the peace to storms. Leaving this world behind, instantly causes me to enter timeless Holy. Listening to the background as praise lifts me higher. Listening to the atmosphere about me, gives substance of Presence.  

Walking is much different here. 
Walking only indicates growth. 
Walking is the bully 
that stands up against the enemy; 
as confidence pushes through 
to be engulfed in faithfulness.  

Wisdom no longer shouts but whispers, and I run to watch power put on its show. I laugh with pleasure of kindness. I dance with uncontrolled abundance. I’ve step into Holy and I’m swallowed with consuming love.  Weights fall and Heaven’s glory saturates.  I’ve met revelation to my soul.