Dancing with my heart, my words, my song, and my love, before my God…

But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who
LOVE YOUR NAME may rejoice in you. Psalms 5:11

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Summoned By Royalty

A King has called 
and I swing open my desires, 
running to the embrace of One who calls.  

Summoned by Royalty 
to the city of a great King, 
I rise up and come.  

His voice has lifted 
to blow a trumpet 
for this call to be heard 
loud within my heart.  

Hear, oh soul, 
hear and giggle; 
for His choice calls your name.   

Watching are His subjects, 
angels who have curiosity of my life, 
my moves, 
my response.  
Cheering is heard in heaven 
as I lift my eyes to answer His love.  

Building joys upon joys, 
I experience amazement 
of awakened life.
Where was all this joy moments ago?  

Where were the visions this heart now sees?  
Was this sound whispering 
to my deadened heart, 
yet its power 
able to explode the thickest of walls?  

Oh heaven come to earth.   

Set Your testimony 
with power within me.   
I yearn, 
I plead; 
I beckon to consume 
all that wisdom will allow.  

As my being 
kisses this marriage, 
this union of salvation; 
my sons will be touched 
by the force love insists upon.  

Dry bones within us 
will live 
for life cannot be taken from Spirit. 

Rescue me 
to recognize You Poppa, 
by the Name Jesus (kingdom) 
left for me 
to touch and feel 
as Spirit blows.  

Oh heaven, come!