Dancing with my heart, my words, my song, and my love, before my God…

But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who
LOVE YOUR NAME may rejoice in you. Psalms 5:11

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Reckless Changing Love

The faithfulness of One has my heart into change and I yearn for it to never stop.  Changing and being changed to the ready for change!  

Oh, with safety of peace abounding in me, I expand to record my story, changing even my looks as my countenance makes adjustments.  It’s like that body stretch that seems to cause every move from that point on give ease to its once stiff push to stay.  

Pardoning my mess, for I am in construction mode with constant change.  Not to dare disregard my now, for it is His Beauty in me and the tools for my tomorrows.  But I've crossed the line, the line where one goes too far and cannot come back; I have found joy in constant change. 

For I love with passion, graphed in from the depth of reconstruction and upgrade of His likeness, that I begin to love who I am with greater belief.  Not caring what words and thoughts make mention of me, only that I’m lost in this love that feels completely full and yet great expectations for future.  

My soul sings hums and notes that only my thoughts can form understanding; language from the mouth fail to share the race going on inside.  Letting go of endings, hanging on to more; I run with each change. For to look, to receive a moment in this aroma of embrace; its power cannot leave me the same.  See me run; see His Spirit dancing with me as I fearlessly know there is no edge to fall.  For there is no foot upon the ground, only air filling my space, with lift to take me to His Hidden Place, where His Love I am so aware of. 

For love makes one silly with unpredictable exchanges, shuffling everywhere, never alone.  Seldom looking another in the eye, my total gaze has been caught in the tangle of sold out devotion to only what is alive inside, my reckless love to One.  

The faithfulness of One has my heart into change and I yearn for it to never stop.