Yesterday morning I started my morning by singing a song called Breathe. Love the song. It talks about God being the Air I breathe. So, so powerful! Today I begin thinking…in the natural we take a breath, then another breath, and yet another breath… all day long we inhaul this oxygen that keeps us alive; what an intriguing design God formed in Adam BEFORE He Breathed that Breath of Life in him that CHANGED a dormant lifeless body of clay into this obedient instrument that follows its brilliant mind given. I can only imagine as we are still discovering the details of this complicated machine we call our body. I took a little side thought about the Holy Spirit and its Breath of Life within me, its Work or Air that keeps me alive and CHANGED when I became ‘born again’ as His Breath was Breathed in me for new eternal Life. Now Breathing within me all day long; and not only for the purpose of keeping me alive while on earth but to renew my mind/soul/heart through eternity. WOW….! This Air brings Light to my path, His Oxygen (Power) to my mind that is becoming the image of Him. Oh how awesome to think…. ‘Greater is He that is within me (His Air/Life/Breath) than he that is in the world.’ For in this world I breath the natural air to keep my body from decomposing but how marvelous and grateful for the Life (Breath/Air) of God that is my Source. Today I take a DEEP Breath…. Not of this natural worlds, but of the supernatural… His Word and Spirit Forming and causing my heart to take on His Likeness. Pumping His Blood throughout my whole being so that I see past the visual of a clay body’s ability but through His Eyes that resides in Fullness of Christ so that I can do all things today by His Name. The body I have… just a shell, but the Spirit that Breathes in me…. oh my, the Temple of the Most High. Father, I acknowledge Your Presence and Air within and I pray that my steps today honor what has been given me. I give my thanks with a heart full of Your Love…!