Your name has me looking to something so fascinating.
Like a mist I walk into,
I release the process of the kingdom that came,
and I begin to feel the moisture that refreshes my soul.
Lifting my face,
I ask for this shower to soak me.
Weakened by darkness that presses,
I run to this open heaven
and wonder about,
for Your Name gives new signs and wonders
to the thirst of my craving heart.
I move my hand through my hair
as my eyes close
and I ponder what will arise from our walk?
I know only that I have leaned forward
to lay close to the fire of this call
which takes me in like sinking quick sand;
slowly determined to not let go
until I am swallowed by its power.
I find this substance becoming a voice
that produces a knowing,
a knowing that love is now breathing for me,
love is now moving my spirit
to take hold of what is coming.
Can the air speak?
Can the light transform before me a form?
Can the way I bat my eye
be a million ways to worship
the Name Jesus?
Can I dance such a glorious move
by simply running my belief
around this Name
that breaks my lips into a smile?
Has my tongue found a new way to sing?
Oh what lies before me,
the float of a thousand words
I cannot speak but hear;
a thousand tones I cannot sing
but I play with them
up and down the scale of eternity…
for I have wondered into His arms
and goodness has given me reasons to stay here.
My name, who I am,
dances with
His Name, who He is;
and we go beyond words
the mind tries to attach to love.
Higher and deeper,
wide as the thought of never touching;
His realness fills me
and I am stunned with His Words,
‘you belong here!’
Oh Lord, I ask
‘what are You wanting me to know?
I often feel it is a visit only.’
His power begins to soak me
so that I will receive
as it carries a message
I am too weak to hear without,
He speaks again…
'you belong here, I never leave!’
My mind swirls, my heart leaps,
He finally gets to tell me
what He has been wanting me to hear
for such a long time...!
And I heard Him.