Dancing with my heart, my words, my song, and my love, before my God…

But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who
LOVE YOUR NAME may rejoice in you. Psalms 5:11

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Miracles Continue

Father, sort of dreary outside.  Funny how that can sometimes make me feel less than perky myself.  There is nothing more that I want than to have Your Son Shine within me and yet I often stumble down the Road.  I think about this weekend of remembrance of Your Sweet Son’s Great Work, traveling to the Cross with me in mind.  Before the walk, how difficult it must have been for Jesus to watch one by one as all His friends and followers fell away from supporting and standing beside Him until He was alone, just You and Him. Many made commitments with determination to go anywhere He went but finding it was much more than they expected to remain faithful to be the believer they intended.  I hate that when that happens to me.  I feel so defeated and wonder why I am not stronger.  I want to pretend it isn’t me or my fault as I fidget around with guilt and shame the enemy wants me to hold on to.  I’m always grateful that You allow me to see my failures so that I can search and find Answers to my weaknesses but I know I cannot stand under them long.  Oh God, knowing I need the Teaching of Your Spirit left to Dwell in His Owned when Jesus returned to His Throne, I raise my prayer this morning.  What a Fearful and Wonderful Passage Jesus made.  Ascending to heaven but replacing His body with the unseen, hidden, out of natural sight, Power of God on earth, Your Spirit, Your Personality He Taught so well.  Now existing and breathing within those who accept the Sacrifice Jesus was on that Cross of pain.  What Words of Amazing Life so concealed in this Burial and Resurrection.  Mysterious, Mystifying this Love that Parts the waters that trap me in a corner!   I simply raise my praise and the mighty unpassable sea before me Parts so I walk on Your Dry Land as Your Miracles continue.
This morning I lean into the Results of that Walk to the Cross, and worship; for what You have done may be Mystifying but I walk in the knowledge of its Grace and my heart finds incredible Safety as the harmful attitudes of my mind cause the stumbling confusion while Your Miracles continue.  Weeping repentance for my weaknesses but what mind-blowing Joyful Celebration for Your Love’s Sacrifice!  A heart that sees the Blood that was Offered as the Compensation for my weakness of not being faithful.  How remorseful I am but how elated, ecstatic I find myself as Your Victory over these disappointments, Cover me.  I am alive in Your Love as the Breakdown of my flesh makes adjustments to the Work of this Miracle Made for me.   The Exact of what I now breathe and move in, Your Miracle made for me.  The Miracle of today, the Miracles of tomorrow… and the Miraculous Miracle of the Cross for me in the yesterdays.  Father, You are so Holy and I bow in thankfulness this morning for You are my Strength to continue as ugliness falls and Your Plans are accomplished today.  I have no payment except my heart so broken and confused, but I gladly give it to You.  Jesus said I would have Life Eternal if I went His Way.  Continue, Jesus, to Show me the Way as His Miracles continue…!

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