Dancing with my heart, my words, my song, and my love, before my God…

But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who
LOVE YOUR NAME may rejoice in you. Psalms 5:11

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Heavenly Complexion

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus… 

What a name 
that brings so many emotional thoughts. 

Used by the world,
 misunderstood by so many; 
and yet the Name (kingdom) 
we are saved under. 

Leader, One who has brought love 
of His Father 
to the hearts of creation.  

I can’t help but search 
so many wonders 
about this abundance that has assured me 
it has only my good in mind.  

What was it like, in heaven, 
as eternity before 
was making preparations.  

Existence of what I would call 
the assembly of heavenly complexion.  

The Face of heaven’s harmony…before satan’s fall.  

The harmony of worship 
without disorder; 
but fountains of beauty
 from and to the throne
 that made all to know only fulfillment.  

Music that tunes the entire existence 
into perfect synchronization.  

Air that penetrated 
to customize life for each appearance of God 
to be the structure of decisive beauty
 it was began for.  

Jesus there to dance with emotions 
all momentous non-actuality of time. 

Sharing as worship to Father 
created maintenance of continuation of essentials, 
before time - to time no more.  

Jesus, evidence of God’s love, 
strolling from one miraculous to another; 
wearing the unity of total surrender
 to each rain drop of heaven’s saturation
 lavished upon Him.  

Taking only the position His title role spoke, 
as along side Father and Spirit completed in Him.  

As sounds and movement opened 
by the Voice of Jesus, 
it became time for me.  

I was designed and wanted with great desire.  
Pleasure was had with even the thought of my day.  

War was made to fill all my heart 
with His permeating want 
to be in this same existence
 as one with what I search to understand. 

 overloading with 
a flooding of love 
that would call me 
to this same partaker of worship, 
as perfectness has its curing effect
 to all my needs created 
to draw me to the source,
 my Father.  

Giving me a moment for thought and decision
 with all its beauty as reward, 
and then celebration sounds aloud
 in the heaven’s from which Jesus began 
as eternity lifts my soul 
to enjoy the house of Father’s Love.  

Forever now to be joined 
in this assembly of heavenly complexion.  

The Face of heaven’s harmony.

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