Dancing with my heart, my words, my song, and my love, before my God…

But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who
LOVE YOUR NAME may rejoice in you. Psalms 5:11

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Secret Place

Intimacy with God can be confusing. We often think of a relationship among us humans on how to relate to what this might mean, and rightly so. A relationship starts with basic facts. Important facts, but maybe only the highlights of events and emotions.  The journey continues and a deep desire for deeper causes the relationship to honor each other with greater than surface information. 

For relationship to grow, there is a call, a beckoning of hearts to the inner dare for a challenge. The secrets one holds far away from all others.  The good, bad and ugly. The questions too hard. The break down of walls built from as far back as your mind allows memory. A deeper relationship screams for a chance to be life, as the death of secrets fall to their exposure. 

Intimacy enters the secret place. Not just the pretty but the complete package. Now… we have become one. Weeping and/or dancing, my hiding is over. Submitting (sharing oneself, not obedience to their laws - that must come under God's Love) is the beginning of intimacy. Who am I gets a workout. The outcome or the results of this act is always yet to be seen. Intimacy is not foreknowledge, but great knowledge to be expected and experienced (who I am and who they are). New and always like the first time… inexperienced and yet delighted in the mystery of it all.

So now marriage takes on completely a sacred intimacy unavailable to anyone else. My secret place goes even deeper.  I share my body at all cost. I hold back nothing and allow my husband to complete an exploration. Questions and answers add delight as this journey wears intimacy as the covering God wanted to guide me to... Him and I.  

Dare to open such intimacy? Exposure through submitting oneself is a great risk. So why do it? Only through Christ’s example of His Father and being His Son is the answer to this. Only after understanding that any submission outside of Christ is not only never asked of us but dangerous consequences will occur.  Intimacy outside God’s realm is giving a person or people the right to write your life under their judgement instead of God’s Love. It’s harsh and deadly. 

Intimacy through submitting (myself) to another by understanding that dwelling in the Secret Place of the Most High, I have no judgement. I am abiding under the Shadow of the Almighty (Ps 91).

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