Dancing with my heart, my words, my song, and my love, before my God…

But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who
LOVE YOUR NAME may rejoice in you. Psalms 5:11

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sharing the Prized View

I sing with a loud heart today,

the Name of Jesus,
such a sweet Name I so need to call...

As I reflect on days recently Established so Beautifully
by His Intent to Take me to this very moment,
right now.  

While I meditate on such Truth,
made for me
so His Works are Scattered upon the earth,
I easily weigh up the Steps He Made Clear
so this exact day would be the
Specialty He Wanted;
His Story,
His Love and Life 

How Sovereign and Independent
each of my days
were Given Enthusiastic Detail
so He Could Illustrate Things of Wonder today,
this day,
this day Created to Rejoice in. 

Oh Jesus, I love You. 

I give You all my worship. 

I feel like an exquisite flower;
breaking out of its dormant state
and unfolding upward to show Your Beauty
as I wear the
Robe of Your Glorious Love,
Your Story within. 

For like a flourishing blossom so astounding,
Your Love
has such numerous Vivid Colors;

a person walking by is
to stop whatever movements in process,
and with intense study -
gaze upon
Your Beauty like a prize of their day. 

Oh my Jesus,
just a Glimpse,
just a single Glimpse of Your Love
has the Mystifying Power to Speak prolonged,
lingering, dialogue among souls. 

We carry it a far;
as expression gives way to
heart after heart
sharing the Prized View of Beauty seen. 

Oh how Your Love Blooms over Your bride,
Your dearest ones
caught in Your Passion
as each day is Formed to rejoice in. 

My yesterdays were Organized, Arranged,
and Patterned to Fashion the Designs of this moment,

Sketch before me by Love’s Deep Zeal for my heart. 

I embrace this Abundant Love
as it Inhabits my walk
with its Hug
from such a Garment of Love. 

A Spectator of Love’s Name has
Rewards Extraordinary. 

I am Softened by the Feel of Your Name,
because You Gave
Enthusiastic Detail
to my yesterdays so You Could
Illustrate Things of Wonder today.  

I Rejoice as I honor such unparalleled
Fit by the Winds of Your Love
for my day,
this day…! 

Sharing the Prized View of Beauty seen...
His Love. 

1 comment:

Jerrie said...

Just stopping in to see what your up to. I have so many changes going on in my life that I have said...God I'm not even gonna stress it because I HAVE NO CONTROL ANYWAYS! So I'll let the days turn into whatever God has ordained for me and I'll adjust my sails as His winds guide me :) Have a wonderful night!!! Love ya always, Jerrie