Dancing with my heart, my words, my song, and my love, before my God…

But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who
LOVE YOUR NAME may rejoice in you. Psalms 5:11

Saturday, January 28, 2012

In Surrender Of My Pain

With tears so enormous, Poppa God, I know You have Watched and Carried my pain; for I know I cannot carry the weight that Jesus took for me.  

In surrender of my pain, You have Showered me with Your Presence.  Your Eyes of Compassion invade my sorrow and You place Your Hope as I realize I am of no match for the attack of another’s pain.   

With words I attempt to make open my heart as I dig deep, past the mind, past the soul, past the thoughts of even my brothers and sisters; but within where Your Truth keeps me Safe.  Keeps me in knowledge of Your constant Love and Directions for my next step.  I give You ownership of my heart and find a Song swells as I connect to Heaven upon earth.  The struggles and bites of the enemy Heal as the Worthy One Saves me once again and again and again.  

I can rest in knowing Your Kingdom is expanding within me as I count it Joy to not know but just Trust that the Worth of His Keeping me takes me, delivers me, from harm the enemy intended.   

You are the Worthy One, not me.  
You are the Passionate One, not me.  
You are the Only One
I just snuggle up to Your Love and my heart begins to beat faster.  My excitement begins to thrill my countenance in unspeakable notions.  

I would pay millions and millions for such Love but I have none and none is required.  

I do not understand.  

Within me, deep, deep, deep, where lies and deceit have no place, I wonder about in freedom to Play while who You are Dancing in the Rhythm of Music Created by the Radiance coming from Your Existence in me.   Like a child not knowing why she is loved but just playing in her love, I dance with You.  Giggling in Your Safety while outside the storm rages unaware to me.  What a Mystery to search.  

What a Palace You Create for me.  The Jewels upon my heart’s life are surrounding me.  Those who play in this Kingdom, Your Kingdom Working unspeakable Love within them.  Your Shine circles the earth as Your Glory Sings in our hearts among millions.  

Why would not anyone surrender their pain to Your Keeping.  

I understand so little but Listen to You with great Joy.  All You do is for my growth to understand the unknowns of such Love.  

I dance with You joyfully.  

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