Dancing with my heart, my words, my song, and my love, before my God…

But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who
LOVE YOUR NAME may rejoice in you. Psalms 5:11

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Holy, Not A Word Born From Boredom

Name that shapes 
the fragmented walks of all;
 fitting our steps in time 
to cause the devotion created 
that brings the rays of truth 
a path to purify all hearts 
for the gift of Father.  

Name spoken 
and power-driven electrifying order 
stampedes a visual of love,
 that transforms
 speech and sounds to silence fear, 
so eyes are directed 
to the ultimate fountain. 

not a word 
born from boredom,
 but a nature
 of a blessed environment 
where existence of heart changing 
has the sensitivity of being close, 
oh so much closer.

a never ending song 
where its definition continues
 to flourish as it paints 
what we are looking for. 

cries the creatures of heaven
 and we echo. 

how it lifts the yearning 
to move deeper, 
for who can stand 
or turn back 
once ears hear 
loyalty to this extreme.

 I am caught in its sound 
and I circle
 in its dance of love around me. 

Crumbling to accept each sip 
from a fountain breathing explanations 
of Holy 
like the heartbeat of impression, 
a glare is made 
to look upon His Face,
 following the ambiance it sets.  

Devotion does not move 
nor sway 
as Holy announces its decree
 of I Am.  

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