Dancing with my heart, my words, my song, and my love, before my God…

But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who
LOVE YOUR NAME may rejoice in you. Psalms 5:11

Monday, December 14, 2015

I Am Now, Respond With This Understanding

Climbing has me light headed, feeling weak, troubled as I struggle to take deeper breaths. 

And yet, this yearning to get to the top is so knitted into my soul, it is life I’ve come to know as the Restorer.  Bringing clarity to the mind that wonders far and near to be entertained. 

My bones cry out for the movement each Song from this High Place offers to those who fearlessly venture out to begin. Passion has locked me into its grip and I yearn for this Now of who You are.  Finding it is what You are, for You change not from yesterday, today and forever.  

For I have a new dance. 

I have asked, “What do I do when hurts take me down?”  You took me walking on water by saying “I Am Now, respond with this understanding.” I ponder this profound simple remark that I know will change my life forever from glory to glory. 

Now’? How does this answer give me strength to find Peace I know relieves the darkened soul? 

The melt-down begins as Your Spirit seems to hover over my heart, I dare explore this Love Note.  I recall times I feel alone, no one there to give me feedback. 

“I Am Now, respond with this understanding.” 

I stand among others in worship and I can only think of my failure to be in this intimacy.  

“I Am Now, respond with this understanding.” 

My load was heavy, so much to do and I’m ashamed. 

“I Am Now, respond with this understanding.” 

I began to sense my soul taking on this Truth and the change which happens again inside out.  How many times do I give my soul just the opposite answer…”Tomorrow I will fix this, or later I will deal with such and such…” 

To understand that eternity is NOW; for as His child I have already entered into eternity and will never die (not exist but take on a new body). To know He is Now, I immediately go into honoring the Creator. 

Instead of shifting into there is no answer, I find the I Am Now has it completely in control. I can sit in this and wait. There is no hurry when I am in His Now. He is NOW, tomorrow He is NOW, in a thousand years He is NOW.  He is forever and ever the NOW. 

Fearlessly I call myself His child living in His Now existence. He is the air I breath Now.

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