Dancing with my heart, my words, my song, and my love, before my God…

But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who
LOVE YOUR NAME may rejoice in you. Psalms 5:11

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Lonely Heart of the UN-Stoned

What a difficult situation to be around one stoned.
It appears the giggle has such a pattern
of uncontrolled self-absorbing fun for oneself,
and desires for everyone around
to be just as medically happy.

I have been here many times.
Other times with drugs or alcohol,
medically putting a stop to pain,
be it emotionally or physically.

I, on the other hand, am left
to see the real world around the moment
and not really having a clue
what to do or how to make myself ‘happy’
about this chemical change of behavior.

I pray. “God, please keep this person safe.”

I then get hit again with the words
of happy-gone-sad
as it now appears
I’m not willing to play the same game.
So, off goes the stoned
to find a better playground to enjoy.

Why not take the same plunge? 

My heart hurts.
My mind travels to past;
wandering about in the cleanup
often required from the intentions
not meaning to go too far, but did.
The cover up and need to try,
with all efforts,
to NOT look different;
but the body is in total response to drug.

Do I react?

Do I respond?

Do I humor the fake 
 person before me?

The language is marked
with blurred mind talk.
The smile is drunk with 
It sings its song… 
“I once was troubled
but with this drug, 
I can love again.”

I feel lonely.
I am a-lone!
I can’t pass over into this sensitive world.
My entire insides cry
and yet I am looked at as non-caring.

My breathing declares a prayer
for all parties associated with this event.
All who make the steps
toward creating this moment,
I ask for wisdom to pour into future,
as now is happening.
Lonely …

How do I regain what gets stolen?

Nothing will really be remembered
except I was snippy
or unwilling to join in.
Lonely …

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