Dancing with my heart, my words, my song, and my love, before my God…

But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who
LOVE YOUR NAME may rejoice in you. Psalms 5:11

Monday, May 9, 2011

Fearless To Climb

God, oh my Place of Comfort, my heart that breaks has no fear… no fear anymore to come to You with it all.  Unsharpened by my state of sorrow as I see too many pains and know too many bruises upon the body! 

I have been set to Know that Your Love is eternal and without flaws of disappointment. 

How do I comprehend Your Testimony of Endurance, Your Constance, ever Abiding Love; Love that does not run from me but Covers me with an Adoption by Your Blood?  I am
fearless to climb
up to the Mountain where I know I find the Gift of Your Countenance. For I have Your Harness around my life to catch my falls and Place me back upon the Sure Steps. 

I have lost the fear that You are out to cause me harm. I am found guilty of knowing You are in
Eye to eye contact
with me to Develop me in Your Love.   

To Prove to me that my jumps remain Enclosed in the
Gym of Your Garden
so that even Your Ears hear the flicker of each of my moves.   Ready for a twinkle of my cry! 

Father, God of Comfort to the soul, how do I show such Love; for I find it from You
 but I feel I fail
so desperately in pouring out the same upon others. 

Fail in reflecting the Walk I live with You. 

Oh the joy of realizing that You have the same Love for those I love and seeing Your Love far outweighs and outlives any I have. 

What a walk we walk in… the Abundance of Unmerited Love.   

I continue the climb for the Closer I get I find my own eyes opening more and Your Grace Covering all weak and broken people like myself. 

Thank You for Keeping me and those I love in the
Gym of Your Garden
where Your Eyes and Ears are Set upon our journey to Your Mountain as we are
 fearless to climb,
fearless to speak of all things; committing our thoughts to You for Love, Correction and Direction.
1 Timothy 1:15 (The Message)
Here's a word you can take to heart and depend on: Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners. I'm proof—Public Sinner Number One—of someone who could never have made it apart from sheer mercy. And now he shows me off—evidence of his endless patience—to those who are right on the edge of trusting him forever. Deep honor and bright glory to the King of All Time— One God, Immortal, Invisible, ever and always. Oh, yes! I'm passing this work on to you, my son Timothy. The prophetic word that was directed to you prepared us for this. All those prayers are coming together now so you will do this well, fearless in your struggle, keeping a firm grip on your faith and on yourself. After all, this is a fight we're in.

Hebrews 13:5 (The Message)
Don't be obsessed with getting more material things. Be relaxed with what you have. Since God assured us, "I'll never let you down, never walk off and leave you," we can boldly quote, God is there, ready to help; I'm fearless no matter what. Who or what can get to me?

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