Dancing with my heart, my words, my song, and my love, before my God…

But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who
LOVE YOUR NAME may rejoice in you. Psalms 5:11

Friday, June 10, 2011

My Flowers of Immeasurable Design

Like a child,
I want to carry my simple heart
to You this morning
as I applaud with childish noise,
my open love to You,
my Savior and Friend. 

As I run boldly into this day
with Your Magnificent Life within,
I excitedly select special flowers from a field of many,
to embrace the Splendor of Your Majestic Dwelling. 

Choosing each bloom meticulously
until I can furnish
a design exactly perfect for You.  

Every blossom I hold, I wonder ---
how will You Respond when I present my choices?

Such brilliant colors and array of Designs You Created!   

Oh, the Wonders
of Your Wealth Poured into my garden.  
I cherish the Gifts of variety 
You Color in me. 

Because of You
I have Riches yet untouched. 

Because of You
I have Fountains of Living Water. 
A Well so Fresh and New 
that every day You bring Moisture
to Your garden.

I have Boundless Pleasures
as You Place me Securely
in the Path that leads to Abundance. 

I am Loved…!

So I want to whisper in Your Ear
how much I love You,
while I giggle and squirm
to present my simple gift,
my heart full of flowers from You. 

Here is my heart
filled with Your Workmanship
as I have delighted in its Blessings. 

With merriment
I raise my bouquet to Your Eyes,
my flowers of immeasurable Designs
You Place within me
Take my praise.

You Meet me with a returned
Giggle of a Father.

I'm so glad You like me.

I give with great exuberance
as I know these  are Your Favorites. 
My heart colored with the
Aroma of Your Blossoms. 

My heart is Yours and Your Love is mine.   

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