Dancing with my heart, my words, my song, and my love, before my God…

But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who
LOVE YOUR NAME may rejoice in you. Psalms 5:11

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Unable To Catch The Story Of Jesus

Poppa with sincere Heart to respond to our cries, I lift my thoughts to You. 

I see other broken hearts besides just my own.  

Screaming from our justified stand, out comes our truth covered in the souls language “I am right.”  Frown lines upon our brow, we offer to clean up the world for you.  Striking at a target with hopes it will ease the pain of offenses, or give eye for eye or tooth for tooth satisfaction.  

Unable to catch the story of Jesus going to the tax collectors home for dinner attitude, we scream…. but it is our taxes he is taking..!!!  I can’t sit beside him, he is killing me.  

Take us deep into the love note written on the ground to the women caught in her sin.  Show us how to tell each other, “GO AND SIN NO MORE!” 

Love me so deeply that I weep for others when they sin against me, not scheme steps to make them fall like they made me fall.  

I see pain, pain so buried in self-protection rather than God protected; it discolors the face with deformed gladness. Blinded is the one it claims, only seen by others around them as it carries out the poison of their soul.  

Jesus came to bring peace on earth, truth to replace confusion.  

When we decide it is time to overthrow the money-changers, help us make sure first we have given time after time for hearts to hear the Way of love as vividly exposing our lifestyle.  

Shower us in Your unmerited love and favor so that we are so plump we cannot help but spill it over to others in our life.  Love that saves us from destruction we seem to head for.  

Keep praying Jesus, 
keep praying for my mind to be like Yours, 
for my walk to express God’s love, 
for my talk be only 
the Words of Poppa’s.

1 comment:

Susan Evans said...

It is only the passionate, intimate love of Jesus that gives us the strength in our own human weaknesses to truly love those with stones in their hands, logs in their eyes, and who cry "crucify". Our passionate love of Jesus allows us to "die daily" as we realize He was nailed to the cross for their hearts as well as mine. Giving love when love is returned is easy. It is a human response. Giving love when no love is returned is Hard or some would say impossible . But it is God!!!! May God's love fill us til it over flows onto all our wounds and heal them. May we wear our scars proudly for they were attained thru love.