Dancing with my heart, my words, my song, and my love, before my God…

But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who
LOVE YOUR NAME may rejoice in you. Psalms 5:11

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Standing In The Flame

The gap gets wide, 
the one between flesh 
and surrendered heart, 
at times. 

The heart keeps exploding 
with desires 
and such contentment. 

Standing in the flame 
that has me captivated with trust, 
I am in divine safety.  

Created to dwell 
within this mystic place 
so set on courting me 
to the fascinating pleasures, 
Holy wins.  

I can feel my heart beat, 
as the speed to be there 
is magnified tremendously.  

I find the gate, 
I run inside and I dance 
with everything I've got 
for I’m only moments away 
from it going away 
like the taste of delicious 
won’t stay.  

Untamed fire, 
burning all around, 
yet I cannot predict the Wind.  

But that I may live 
in this guided run, 
this place where the song 
that moves my steps 
are not chased 
but consumed 
as I am carried by this Wind.  

Taken higher and higher 
in the single praise 
of Holy, Holy, Holy.  

As each voiced ‘Holy’ 
gives distinct fragrance 
as explanation showers 
among His beloved ones.   

As we inhale, 
may we exhale 
what it takes 
to spread the Fire of wonders 
this sweet Spirit.

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