Dancing with my heart, my words, my song, and my love, before my God…

But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who
LOVE YOUR NAME may rejoice in you. Psalms 5:11

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Steps Love Exhibits

The emotions that break forth into steps love exhibits, has me walking into a realm more real than fears that kept me out in the past. Finding His eyes as assurance, I am held with such passion He was motivated to create me with. For if I ponder the scary reasons I might have been formed, I either come up empty or have wide thoughts of  how things might 'just happened.'  But breaking forth into steps love exhibits, I find the phrase, least you become as a child you will not see the Kingdom of God, and I am swallowed in the passion of being His child.  Nothing more, just finding my world (mighty self talk) shrinking, and His Kingdom becoming visible with sounds of love inside and out of my being. Its as if my body begins to sing and I love the music it dances to. Now the world around speaks such a different message and it amazes me. Finding no cares, only the joy of exploring full access of what was made, including myself as the wonders of His Voice of power in the tiny of weakness.  Taking in the sight of a mustard seed so small and yet the power of its story so mighty. The call from my heart to send my love, so small, and watch it become the roar of the thunder around His throne. To be heard as gathered aroma, released to make known my existence, His delightful creation made for His joy.

His love qualifies us to be mighty.  Our call... just become as a child (know Him as Father).

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