Dancing with my heart, my words, my song, and my love, before my God…

But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who
LOVE YOUR NAME may rejoice in you. Psalms 5:11

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Memory of Nothing

There is only One that can fill the void within, all else has been said not to be eternal - it will dissolve as if it never was.

When I think about this, the 10th day of my birth comes to mind.... no wait; it doesn't, for I have no recall of that day. Absolutely nothing, even into years of the beginning of my life.  I know it happened because I am still on earth but it is as if memory was not with me during that time.  I can only rely upon another who might carry memory of me, or possibly a picture taken where I could take a look without voices to recall the details I see.

What would it be like to lose a year like this later on in life?  Time came and went but memory was left to be treasured, or not treasured, by someone else. What if a relationship is continued and/or built upon this vacancy of voices/time?  This sort of void of memory is not so uncommon but... what if this block of time took with it your intellect, your job, your health and then gave back only a small portion.  You awake slowly to reality as you learn, to your surprise, you used to respond differently than you do now.  To tackle a day feels like you were trying to tackle a year.  My husband took a fall that crushed at least a year from his hands, right out of his hands.  I lost with him for I can show him a picture or tell him a story, but it falls back to that 10th day of my life.... only knowing it happened but empty of detail.

WAIT, what about things eternal?  What about the days we cried together.  What about those who came to serve us?  What about thousands of conversations that I had with him of what happened while I held his hand.  What about those who traveled to see us?  What about things I don't know to even pull back with memory? 

The difficulty of life demands decisions to be made throughout every day.  I gather, without realizing it, my past along with the imagination of my future, and off I go to make my choice.  Sometimes singing, sometimes crying, but I cannot escape the fact that whether memory is eternal or temporarily just for now, I cross the line into a decision. It is called time.

What can we gain from facts that stack up into 'here I am' but crumble with 'how did I get here'?  What if I open my eyes and know that at this very moment a decision can be made to look for eternal where this is no longer 'time', where Word said moth cannot destroy.  I believe One calls it treasures in heaven. 

Eternal is such a mystery but it is.  A promise we can hold on to whether we remember or not; and if we are alive on earth...we can build. 

God's got a memory and He is the treasure giver.  The beauty of now is, again...
we can build.

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