Dancing with my heart, my words, my song, and my love, before my God…

But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who
LOVE YOUR NAME may rejoice in you. Psalms 5:11

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Breathing Is Like Tasting

I sit and ponder, as I soak in the movement of God’s existence. 

Breathing is like tasting something so delicious. Just want to savor each portion of this dance. Releasing air somehow fills rather than empties. And inhaling gives room to do it all over again. 

What is in the wind? 

What artistic pattern is the roam of my heart? 

Do my thoughts delicately paint beautifully before the throne? 

Has the heavens prepared for this round of love?  

Was the whole of my life designed for this moment? 

Is this cry escaping my expanding realm of emotions, the notes of collected oils to pour upon and within the city of my God? 

Can love like this sing and become such oil of gladness? 

The search happens 
and I fall toward the One 
who heals all brokenness. 

When He says He makes a way for me, is this the way? 

Where the heart melts with the overload of love, His love!  Will I someday be allowed to be here forever? Never left out, never rejected, never second! Always the first choice as this choice guides me across the skies. Never along but joined with millions and millions of others as our dance designs brilliant colors yet to be created. 

Movement through the air stirs and throws new as a constant visual so vivid and beautiful, eyes of saints and angels watch this electrifying display of God art. Every emotion has its style that inhabits a place and releases vibrations which sings a new language ears must prepare to hear. 

Just as the struggle to see God and live, so is the Sound so intense. Sleep (rest, peace) is the silence used to break through. Surrender is the only move to make.

Breathing is like tasting something so delicious.

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