Dancing with my heart, my words, my song, and my love, before my God…

But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who
LOVE YOUR NAME may rejoice in you. Psalms 5:11

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Kiss Decisions

A kiss; a purposed act of acceptance. Kiss; a dance of the heart to offer a look at the emotions going on inside. A kiss pondered with the weightiness of decision making, an open affection and statement of connecting one soul to another.

But what goes on before the kiss is really the wonders of truth about to manifest. Why am I kissing another? What is the return I want? Why did I receive a kiss? We make heavy decisions with enormous consequences before this act that forms a pose.  Do I really want to know?

Love, I believe, is always a part; but love serves a master. My question would be which master is being served? Which am I being a slave to? Matthew 6:24 speaks of either loving or hating a master (God - not my will / wealth - my will). A bridge to stand on and ponder. Which master do I serve?

The father in the prodigal son's return (Luke 15:20) kissed his son earnestly. So much joy of a returned soul, his son. The dance of this kiss must have been the beauty of tremendous years in waiting, hoping, praying. Loving before the arrival of his son. Inward passion that dwells within and yet throws the results to God (not my will). Love so big the father did not need the son there to love him... only to show love with a kiss when he came home.  The son... surprised. Why? Maybe because the son loved the father but he was serving wealth (his own will).  The son returned serving wealth ( his own will) - maybe my father will hire me. The story plays out showing which master each soul serves. 

How about Judas? Did he love Jesus? He too gave a kiss. An emotional expression posed as so many previous heart behaviors warred in him. I believe he loved Jesus with an awe-struck heart. Watching and believing big things will happen from this. Judas was chosen and he followed with the same strong passion, like the other eleven still struggling with their sins. Asking questions when he didn't understand. Wanting favors from Jesus. Hoping for his upside-down world to turn more to right-side-up.  I even ponder the thought that Judas loved Jesus when he went to betray his friend Jesus; but the pre-dance of emotions and decision was made from his serving wealth (his own will), just like the prodigal son did (maybe my dad will hire me). So the kiss... well, the kiss was love used. This is why it surprised Jesus.

To be loved and betrayed. This is why it hurts so bad to be loved and experience betrayal. Love should be safe and give only signs of soul connection, not soul separation.  Judas loved Jesus but sold out to gain rather than give.  Sign of trying to serve two masters, and it failed. Non-the-less, a kiss was chosen to be placed on the soul of another. Placed on Jesus as a sign of love, but the master was self serving.  A long track of wanting to be with Jesus as a way to wealth. Understanding a decision must be made but making the wrong one. 

What is actually happening when I get a kiss? What is behind the kiss I give? As love accompanies this act, which master is being served? 

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