Dancing with my heart, my words, my song, and my love, before my God…

But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who
LOVE YOUR NAME may rejoice in you. Psalms 5:11

Monday, July 29, 2019

Worst Thing I Can Think Of

Papa God, the worst thing 
I can think of 
is losing hold of Jesus 
and what He is all about

Oh please Papa, keep me in His Path. 
Keep me sweet Holy Spirit where my family and I can go through life 
and come into the next 
with Jesus by our side 
as we have surrendered to the Way, the only Way.  

Our children have so many choices in these days. 
Choices of religious wondering 
and it all feels like chaos is happening. 

Are we equipped to make this journey? 
Are we secure enough 
to bounce around in Your Kingdom 
while these attached come to grade us, 
challenge us, 
competing for our minds. 

Oh please Papa, send the angel armies 
that war for the soul of my children 
and their children… 
and as far as this earth 
takes my generation of life giving through my blood. 

Take Michael’s children 
and carry on the greatest victories 
of finding the wholeness of Jesus within, 
only Jesus within 
making our Path straight. 

My tears speak 
what my thoughts 
cannot put together. 
My tears carry my heart 
with purpose 
I cannot be strong enough for. 
But, You can!  

Your blood was enough 
to take me from fear to favor… 
to weakness to righteousness … 
to experiencing 
what may look like destruction 
but You make power 
to move the enemy 
out of our camp. 

Lay my life gifts 
in heavenly places. 
Lay my treasures 
where the lock has put them 
far into the Heaven’s 
awaiting the surprise it will give me. 

I lay down my life here and now. 
You take and make 
as I listen and obey. 

I rejoice as I learn 
to trust in You… 
not my own saving!  

In Jesus, His beautiful Name, 
I sing from a marveled heart
 of what all even this past week 
has given to me. 

Thank You Jesus (Your Place) is my place.

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