Dancing with my heart, my words, my song, and my love, before my God…

But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who
LOVE YOUR NAME may rejoice in you. Psalms 5:11

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Steps Love Exhibits

The emotions that break forth into steps love exhibits, has me walking into a realm more real than fears that kept me out in the past. Finding His eyes as assurance, I am held with such passion He was motivated to create me with. For if I ponder the scary reasons I might have been formed, I either come up empty or have wide thoughts of  how things might 'just happened.'  But breaking forth into steps love exhibits, I find the phrase, least you become as a child you will not see the Kingdom of God, and I am swallowed in the passion of being His child.  Nothing more, just finding my world (mighty self talk) shrinking, and His Kingdom becoming visible with sounds of love inside and out of my being. Its as if my body begins to sing and I love the music it dances to. Now the world around speaks such a different message and it amazes me. Finding no cares, only the joy of exploring full access of what was made, including myself as the wonders of His Voice of power in the tiny of weakness.  Taking in the sight of a mustard seed so small and yet the power of its story so mighty. The call from my heart to send my love, so small, and watch it become the roar of the thunder around His throne. To be heard as gathered aroma, released to make known my existence, His delightful creation made for His joy.

His love qualifies us to be mighty.  Our call... just become as a child (know Him as Father).

Saturday, April 19, 2014

I Cry To Die

That moment before 
the flesh completely surrenders... 
the wondering, 
the roads of many decisions 
are before me. 

Traveling at extreme, 
faster than noted from man; 
consuming me 
is the wake of Spirit 
calling with loud pulls 
beyond voice, 
to my instinct 
created to be 
at the ultimate contentment. 

Pulled into heaven come down, 
I wobble 
with continued decisions 
to die to self.  

For if I do not die, 
I remain 
in my own unstable mind. 

I weep with silliness 
for I am faltering 
and yet I can feel strength 
making its entrance 
with mighty arms.  
I hear faintly 
for my hearing is still so dull, 
I only know 
I am curiously (but weak) 
wanting this Place.  
His Name comes in 
like the wind of a whisper 
and I begin to focus.  

I feel it is speaking 
but I still cannot hear. 

Oh that I could hear; 
and just that quickly, 
I hear the Name.  

His Name sings 
with power, 
as I accept its realm 
as my own.  

Suddenly I hear doors locking.  

I feel the extreme of safety 
and I know 
I have entered a Place 
in the middle of my night. 

All within me now sleeps, 
the flesh has be conquered. 

A peculiar float begins 
as I look around 
to rejoice of His work 
to bring me here. 

I find more complication 
in finding words 
to honor this place.  

I must listen 
my soul cries; 
and in my quiet 
I see His Eyes upon me.  

His eyes speak such love 
that I am overwhelmed. 

His stare seems to give 
loudly a promise 
I reluctantly have accepted. 

The promise is 
that His eyes have been 
and always will be 
as I see them now, 
consumed with me.  

For moments I look away. 
I do not know why 
but it seems difficult 
for faith to rise 
that this really is. 

I take notice 
that I am barely touching 
into what is really there.  

I have only tapped 
into what is so abundant. 

I fall away, 
my hunger within my body 

I call back, NO...!  
I cannot leave.  

I am instantly 
in knowledge 
of His Eyes upon me, 

I smile 
as I realize every encounter 
is forever charted 
and never returns 
to Him void.  

My desire to die 
is heard 
and a legion of angels 
await to watch 
the beauty of His life form.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

It's Here My Soul Sings

It’s here, my soul sings; 
His Kingdom 

Running so swiftly to call me 
do not look back, 
do not go for a thing… 
just go! 
Do not stop 
for a single distraction, 
but look at the call 
and be filled with its wonders.  

If I am speechless, 
do not be consumed with concern.  
For the One who reigns 
has dominance 
and the heart will melt 
before Him.  

The end has not color, 
only the Voice that speaks 
without fade 
becomes visible.  

Circling the earth 
as its pull creates new breath, 
new atmosphere.  

Feeling the weightlessness 
is not noticed 
for belonging to this life 
is so immortal, 
this gift is as if it’s always been.   

Eyes are now set 
for its total purpose, 
to behold Beauty.  

Praise is not limited 
to my voice that is frail 
and weak in understanding, 
but the essence of being His child 
gives elaborate décor 
and tones of pitch 
that bounce 
from star to star 
to rage of His Kingdom.  

The move of un-chartable time 
is without repeat, 
like the fingerprint 
of His created child 

His Kingdom 
feels like slow-motion steps 
but it is due to 
the unseen is much thicker, 
substance of great consistency, 
when flesh follows to make explanations.   

Let Your Kingdom come, 
my soul sings with great plea.  

Let Your Kingdom 
be on earth as it is in Heaven….! 

Change my mind 
by each delight 
my Father gives.  

Take me to where 
I am the depth of His every move 
and yet I am so consumed 
I can only know He is God. 

Together, moving 
as His Beauty reaches me 
for more revelation.

It’s here, my soul sings; 
His Kingdom...!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Ready To Be Squeezed

When a wind comes through, 
I look up 
as if I will see 
from where it came from. 

Silly me!  

You can’t see the wind, 
only watch what it touches.  

Oh Poppa, 
when Your Spirit breezes through, 
I marvel at watching 
what it does to me, 
how it touches me.  

What tunes, 
what notes sound 
as this Sweet Wind blows about, 
to cause music 
to come forth from me 
like I was created to be.  

Playing me 
like I was of 
Your most prized instrument.  

My thoughts explore 
the whole experience 
with force to gather 
this harvest of emotions 
like a dry sponge 
absorbs every drop of moisture 
it can hold.  

Ready to be squeezed 
here and there 
so what I gathered 
can be enjoyed 
all about my travels.   

Waiting, watching, 
holding on as long as I can; 
often freezing in a stand-still 
so all remains within. 

Swinging back 
to its beginning 
so a rehearsal can pick up 
any that might have been missed 
the first time.  

Not one swish of this Wind 
has no meaning.  

As I stay in these hurricanes 
or slight touch 
of hearing the Wind, 
I hum my life to You 
as the melody 
of this memorable moment.  

For I listen 
to the high and low 
of such power 
and with surrendering of my will, 
I see my life 
as Your song.  

The sweet rest 
that calms my weary soul 
gives understanding 
the song is singing 
with victory of love about me. 

New appetites 
beyond my previous knowledge 
are now both developing 
and being satisfied.  

With the pitch Your Spirit 
created among Your beloved, 
I lift my own 
to blend in harmony 
the New Song that is awakened.

Standing In The Flame

The gap gets wide, 
the one between flesh 
and surrendered heart, 
at times. 

The heart keeps exploding 
with desires 
and such contentment. 

Standing in the flame 
that has me captivated with trust, 
I am in divine safety.  

Created to dwell 
within this mystic place 
so set on courting me 
to the fascinating pleasures, 
Holy wins.  

I can feel my heart beat, 
as the speed to be there 
is magnified tremendously.  

I find the gate, 
I run inside and I dance 
with everything I've got 
for I’m only moments away 
from it going away 
like the taste of delicious 
won’t stay.  

Untamed fire, 
burning all around, 
yet I cannot predict the Wind.  

But that I may live 
in this guided run, 
this place where the song 
that moves my steps 
are not chased 
but consumed 
as I am carried by this Wind.  

Taken higher and higher 
in the single praise 
of Holy, Holy, Holy.  

As each voiced ‘Holy’ 
gives distinct fragrance 
as explanation showers 
among His beloved ones.   

As we inhale, 
may we exhale 
what it takes 
to spread the Fire of wonders 
this sweet Spirit.